Friday, April 24, 2009

Project 365 - Weeks 14 & 15

I got a little behind, but here are weeks 14 and 16. Templates really speed things up!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Ok, you just knew this one was coming... yep, it's our new kitten!! awwww It's alright, she is a baby girl after all, she can handle all of this girly stuff. haha

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tonsils & adnoids removed

This was another fun kit (felt!) from Pamela Donnis. You can get it at her store at The DigiChick. The picture of Zack was taken on my phone, so it wasn't the best quality, but he was sleeping so peacefully I had to take his picture. Another 15 minutes later, he was not a happy little boy!! What a trooper he was that day.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

April Showers kit

I am such a sucker for those layouts by the CT of designers. Well done, you salespeople - I bought another kit!! Well, it was just a "mini" kit, but it's got some cool stuff. I especially like the little felt elements. Anyhow, the kit is April Showers from Funky Playground, but with the special deal they were running, my total was only $1.25, so I'm really the last of the big spenders. haha!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Jessica Sprague - Type + Writer class

I'm taking another Jessica Sprague class right now (oops, and I haven't even finished the photo editting one yet!). This class is about journaling. It was actually a freebie in the class pack that I bought, so no sweat if I don't like it :) This layout was nice, but it was so freaking huge! All of those little tabs of colors really added up and the PSD file was 460MB. So there was no looking back on this one. After I created it, I deleted it. Photoshop was so bogged down working on this one, it wasn't pleasant.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week 11 (redo) and 12

I had to redo Week 11 because I found a picture of me that I had taken, after a run. I had to make sure that I get in some of the pictures too!! :)