Monday, September 28, 2009


I saw this cute mini kit from Pamela Donnis and knew I had to have it! It fits Sydney perfectly!

(oh, totally scraplifted too...)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Vintage pic

today I was playing around with a texture and came up with this. I don't know, I kinda liked the original with the beautiful blue sky and ocean... but it's not too bad.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pretty pic

Every now and then I am caught off guard by a picture that I think is just so pretty. When I ran across this one I just had to make a page out of it. :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

no time??

where oh where has my scrapping time gone? seems like every week it's some new reason I can't sit down and work on my pages. I have been taking pictures everyday, and some day soon I'll get them all made into scrapbook pages. I long for the cool fall days when it turns dark at 7:30 and the kids are in bed at 8pm so I can have some computer time! :) oh wait, the new fall TV season is starting next week. sigh

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Jessica Sprague - Frame Ups & Special Effects

I'm not sure how this slipped into my day, but updating Quicken tonight seemed sooooo boring that I thought I would relax and finish up my Jessica Sprague class. It had a lot of stuff in it that I already knew, but I as always I did learn a lot of new techniques too.

I love the simple clean looks of both of these layouts. These are really quite a departure from what she normally has us do, which are layouts with lots of flourishes and such. I like!