Thursday, October 29, 2009

Speed Scrap

So I was supposed to be updating Quicken last night, my monthly financial update, *but* I saw they were having a speed scrap over at ScrapMatters tonight. No problem, I can do both right? Well, I did a little Quicken, but mostly working on this page. The instructions were to use the same color sheets and elements, use a question and quotes, and a few other things. I think it turned out pretty good, but a little busy. However, the big letdown was that I couldn't upload my page to the gallery!! For whatever reason it wasn't working and I didn't get it posted by the deadline - in fact I still can't post it. uggghhh Next month, I'm sticking with just getting my Quicken work done! :)

Kit by Kristin Aagard, "Swim Fishy"

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

School pics

oops, I was supposed to be reading the Sunday paper (it always piles up around the house until about Thursday...) but I did this instead. I better read fast now!

Kit: Back to School by WM Squared Designs

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Back to School

Did I mention how much I love my new laptop battery??? oh, I did. (it rocks!)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

365 productivity!

It was just the best thing that I got that new battery - we took a camping trip to down to Hocking Hills and I got to use my laptop the whole trip in the truck. I got a lot of scrapbooking done - even though the ride was a little bumpy!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Week 32 - Project 365

Inspiration comes from the most unusual places - tonight it was the fact that I got a new laptop battery! YAHOO! My old battery was dieing after just 15 minutes, so I was pretty limited and had to drag my charger around. But my super fabulous hubby snagged me a new battery off Ebay and I'm free again! So here I sit watching Leno and finishing up this scrapbook page.
Life is good :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fulton County Fair

ahhh, the last days of summer...

Week 31 - 365 pages

wow, how far behind am I???