Friday, February 26, 2010

Sydney's first lost tooth

Isn't it great how pretty scrapbook papers and elements make even scary pictures look good! :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

First page of 2010!

Instead of doing a 365 project this year, I'm just going to keep up on creating pages for the things going on this year, and then make a book of that. So, here is the first page from 2010 :) I'm only about 8 pages behind now!!


Friday, February 5, 2010

It's here!! It's here!!

My photobook from Winkflash was delivered last night and I am so super thrilled with it! It's leather bound, 12 x 12. Looks so good! I am amazed at the quality. After looking at it, I want to do it all again. So that's my plan for 2011 :)
Good thing I got home before my husband did - they put the USPS box right in front of the garage door where he would drive his truck. It may have been run over last night. whew!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Rocket Ship

I felt the need to make a scrapbook page tonight! (even though I had many other things I
should be doing!)

Making rocket ships are so much fun for the kids (and us too!)

Here is a kit from Jamie Dell, "Out of this World"