Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My belly!

I saw a cool page the other day that I had to scraplift. Even though her belly was much bigger than my ever was, it's fun to remember those tummies!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Week 11 - Project 365

St Patty's week was a little mild, a little rainy, but just generally a nice week :) No green beer, but we did wake up to green milk one day due to those pesky leprechauns (and duh, I never even took a picture of it). Although it didn't taste any different (just food coloring) it gave me the creeps to drink it!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Week 10 - Project 365

I'm a little late again, but here is last week's page. This was a fun template from Sweet Tomato Designs...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A couple more edits

Here are some more edits - still trying to find the best balance of not making people too pink & orange, and blowing out the details...

Photo Editing Lesson 2

Once again, I'm not sure if this was the point of the photo editing lesson that I just completed (editing with Camera Raw) but it sure was fun to push the sliders all over and blast the color out on this picture!!

Out of Camera...

Bright and artistic!!

365 Project - February

I'm glad that February is over, it is such an uninspiring month!! Stuck in the house every night, I'm ready for a change of season. :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Jessica Sprague - Photo editing, lesson 1

So did I get my money's worth out of my new Jessica Sprague class? Well I'm not sure yet, (it's only Lesson 1) but I did learn quite a bit (now if I can only remember it....)

My "Before" photo:

My "After" photo: bright and cheery! oh, and very tan! - but hey, this picture was taken in the summer, so it's probably more of a correct color. At least I hope so - haha!

Monday, March 9, 2009

CoffeeShop PSE Actions

Wow, how cool is this? (that's a trick question, this is *really* cool!!) I have been playing around with some Actions for PSE and I ended up on the CoffeeShop site. These actions do such a great job I thought I'd show off my first use of them!

here is the picture SOOC:

The "soft" Orton action:

Perfect Portrait action:

I think this one was ColorPop 2:

Kudos to that website, great work!!

Oops, a couple more pages

I forgot to put the cover pages out here too - for the Christmas book. I did these last and I think they were the hardest. At first I made a hideous page, which Alan and I both had a good laugh about. This second version was much, much better!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Week 8 & 9 - 365 Project

I was a week behind due to the xmas book project, but I just got them done. I am quite happy with these pages. Spring is coming soon!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Christmas 2008 pages

For days I have been laboring over these pages... and they are finally done! I got one of those offers for a "free" book ArtsCow so I thought it give it a try using my own scrapbook pages. I've had a book made there before and I thought the quality was just OK, but the layouts at the time were pretty limited. I hope I won't be too disappointed when I see the results! :)