Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A couple more edits

Here are some more edits - still trying to find the best balance of not making people too pink & orange, and blowing out the details...


  1. It's me again. I think your edits are great! You should really check out "I Heart Faces" at
    Every Friday (Fix it Friday), they post a picture that you can download and edit. Kinda fun to see what creative things other people come up with. They also have a theme each week and you can enter a photo for their contest. The pics range from below novice (that's me) to professional. Caution: It's addictive!

  2. I'll have to check that out! Hey, if you have PhotoShop Elements, or something similar, you should go check out for lots of scrapbooking freebies every day :) Also very addictive...
