Monday, June 29, 2009

A busy night

I spent the better part of tonight catching up on my 365 weeks. Very productive!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Zack turns 4

All about Zack and his favorites at 4 years old.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Camping preview

Until I get around to making pages of our recent camping trip, here is a "preview"!

Fix It Friday

I keep getting weekly emails from Fix-It Friday (on I Heart Faces) so I finally decided to take a few minutes and actually follow along. Here are my results...

The original photo..

Here is my editted version! Not so shabby - sure it's easy when someone show you how to do it :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Week 21 - Project 365

Yahoo, look at me! I completed this page in less than an hour. Mostly while Pico my kitten jumped across my keyboard and chewed on the cables to my laptop. What an accomplishment! I love the colors in this fun kit from Flergs (her blog is here). I really like her stuff, and this kit was free!
Check out how Zack is examining the bottom of the recliner chair - he always want to know "how it works". That's my boy!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Thank you cards

When it comes to showing appreciation for the school teachers I'm just never sure what to do. I'm sure some people buy them gifts, but when I pay for tuition (which certainly isn't cheap) I'm torn about spending more money on the cause. Not that I don't appreciate the teachers (I truly do, and I know teachers are underpaid) I'm just not sure what is the "right thing" to do. So for the kindergarten teachers I came up with the idea that I'd make them a card - if it were me, I think a heartfelt note of appreciation would be a great gift. I'd love to hear that my work is helping someone out. So here is the card design I came up with...